Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Emo is the new male..

While growing up, children should always have a manly figure to live up to. This socialisation process has been effectively done by the mass media.
Examples :

  • conan as a role model

  • king kong as a role model

In the last decade, something has gone terribly wrong. There is a new breed of man who call themselves, emo boys,who look like this :

The strange thing is that emo boys,who do look like girls, attract girls who look like girls!
So the socialisation process has gone wrong on both sexes. The girls that are attracted to the boys that look like girls are no longer attracted to the orinal males described earlier..
If emo boys have a baby with emo girls, we will have an emo baby who is very feminine. no worries for a baby girl, but big issue for a baby boy.lol. imagine a baby emo boy :D

What happens if in 20 years time, emo boys become the leaders of our society? What happens if we are attacked by an african tribe with bones in their nose?
Let me tell you what will happen, dear reader who visibly has XTRA loads of time to read my crap :
We will die, because the emo boys leaders will cry and the african alpha males will put their boneS in the feminine emo boys' ass..

Sad world..

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