Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The emo boy principle

What if you( a male) are on a deserted island with 3 other persons :

  • A girl who looks more manly than u

  • A full time lesbian

  • An emo boy

If you need to have sex which one will you choose?
--the girl who looks like a man?
No, because she looks like a man. why would you want to have sex with a girl who looks like a man? are you gay?
--the full time lesbian?
No.in your dreams!!that happens only in porn movies. If you,as a man,dont want to have sex with a girl that looks like a man, how can you think that a lesbian would want to have sex with a guy who looks like a guy?
--the emo boy?
sadly yes. Ceteris paribus, this is the only logical choice, because IT is the most feminine THING of the 3.

sad world..

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