Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Emo is the new male..

While growing up, children should always have a manly figure to live up to. This socialisation process has been effectively done by the mass media.
Examples :

  • conan as a role model

  • king kong as a role model

In the last decade, something has gone terribly wrong. There is a new breed of man who call themselves, emo boys,who look like this :

The strange thing is that emo boys,who do look like girls, attract girls who look like girls!
So the socialisation process has gone wrong on both sexes. The girls that are attracted to the boys that look like girls are no longer attracted to the orinal males described earlier..
If emo boys have a baby with emo girls, we will have an emo baby who is very feminine. no worries for a baby girl, but big issue for a baby boy.lol. imagine a baby emo boy :D

What happens if in 20 years time, emo boys become the leaders of our society? What happens if we are attacked by an african tribe with bones in their nose?
Let me tell you what will happen, dear reader who visibly has XTRA loads of time to read my crap :
We will die, because the emo boys leaders will cry and the african alpha males will put their boneS in the feminine emo boys' ass..

Sad world..

The emo boy principle

What if you( a male) are on a deserted island with 3 other persons :

  • A girl who looks more manly than u

  • A full time lesbian

  • An emo boy

If you need to have sex which one will you choose?
--the girl who looks like a man?
No, because she looks like a man. why would you want to have sex with a girl who looks like a man? are you gay?
--the full time lesbian?
No.in your dreams!!that happens only in porn movies. If you,as a man,dont want to have sex with a girl that looks like a man, how can you think that a lesbian would want to have sex with a guy who looks like a guy?
--the emo boy?
sadly yes. Ceteris paribus, this is the only logical choice, because IT is the most feminine THING of the 3.

sad world..

writers wanted

Im looking for guest writers for this blog. The post subjects should be about

  • porn

  • alcolhol

  • women

  • mms scandals

  • nonsense

  • porn

  • cars that make a lot of noise

  • guys that are not gay but like it when other men look at them

  • porn

  • the demographic nature of the web

  • lazyness

  • thing that can be done instead of working, like updating one's blog only when there is a job that has to be completed

  • use of spiders in the internet age, should we kill all spiders?

Google is evil...

hello! this blog is on google!!! wow! if you type "blogtorma" in google, it finds posts from this blog!! amazing! I should note that the first suggestion of google is "Did you mean: blogtor "?
As if google is sure that the user who looks for "Blogtorma" is making a typing mistake!

anyway im not an expert in Search engine referencing, but from what i read, a site is referenced on google IF there are links from other sites to the site. no one has linked to this blog. the more the links, the higher the site will appear in the rankings or page ranks. This system mimics the "democratic nature of the web" or something like that, where each link to a site counts as a vote.

As no one has linked to this blog, how is it found on google? Blogspot is owned by google, so google references all the blogs found there.

This is not democracy!!! This is just like a corrupted government with political agents getting benefits!!! blogspot is a political agent of google which is the governing body!

Politically speaking, this blog should NOT be referenced on google! why is it being given a priviledge that others dont have??

Google is evil...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Are all cars chick magnets?

OoooOOOoo NO! not all cars are chick magnets. Lets start with a classic chick magnet :
The bmw m3 :

All women independent of their sexual orientation will love it. fact. if you are a chick or you know a chick who doesn't like this, seek professional help. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder can be cured!

Another classic, the Mercedes. This one is a called Mercedes bullit edition. nice. When u ride this, chicks hurl themselves on the road.

what about chicks that own these cars? more on this in another post...

And now non chick magnet.Word of caution! i said NON Chick magnet. They remain magnets, but for a different species : men who want to impress other men. The particularities of these types of rides is that they all have some sort of bench on the boot. Normally this bench,or spoiler, was intedted for better aerodynamics. But then u have a car with 4 doors that open in 4 different ways, there is no need for better aerodynamics:

Orange and black Subaru impreza with flames on the sides and a big nose on the bonnet and blade thingies on the front and a bench at the back. what happens when u drive in a big pile of fresh dog shit with one of these??? all the shits gets splattered on your lovely flames!!!There is shit everywhere!!! even in your blade thingies at the front! AND IN YOUR NOSE!!!!

evidence number 4: Green honda Civic 4 doors that open in 4 different ways, classic bench on the boot, with a wide opening on the front to suck in more air(OR MOre SHIT WHEN U DRIVE OVER A BIG PILE OF FRESH DOG SHIT!!!!!) Because this car has such an "interesting" door concept, it remains most of the time on the parking lot with all the doors open. So the spoiler at the back is used as a bench where u can sit and gaze at you doors.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bing boobs

Microsoft let out their search engine to compete with google. My first test on it was to look for the words "big boobs" on their image search :D
Eureka! its like a huge TGP!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hot Winter nights with mutant mosquitoes

Ok 2 things : whats the matter with the winter?? we supposed to be freezing here. Its june. There are no winter sales on pull overs because its still too hot. Its like having a sale on icecream in the south pole. Or paying taxes everymonth and road tax every year and the roads still suck. Road tax should be used as an allocation to people who get their car damaged because of the road.more on taxes later. this winter sucks.its already dark @17:30 and its not even cold. the problem with bad weather is that you cannot blame it on the governement or the police..

2nd thing : whats the matter with the mosquitoes? 2 years back we got an outbreak of chickengunya(dont know how its spelled) thing that made mosquitoes really dangerous. So naturally, the government and the police decided to kill all the mosquitoes with some chemical thing. the aftermath? we got mosquitoes in winter now. its like they evolved in a winter-proof species. now you find them in the fridge sometimes. they say that these mosquitoes will outlive men. I heard that even if there is a nuclear bomb, and all men die,mosquitoes will still live. or i think it was cockroaches.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Usb enabled harming device

we need a new usb device that can harm people physically. It should b somthing like a hammer with a usb cord. I should create that device, market it, and give one to my friends. that device would be activated by a buzz from msn messenger or yahoo and hit the person in the face or on the hand or on the knee. depending on where the person places the device.
This is my blog. Someone said that i had to have a blog because i sometimes bore him to death with my rantings. He says that a blog, like a personal diary that everyone would read, will help me (and him).
Anyways I usually rant when im drunk. So this blog is a compilation of comments made by me and people with whom i drink and get drunk.
So if you are not drunk or high, please do not comment on any of the postings.