Monday, May 17, 2010

Segunda etapa

So I am a medium sized fan of the Japanese Anime Bleach. was late for work for many days because i watched the episodes till late. but lately i havn't been watching the anime, because i reserve my bandwidth to download porn. Wat? I am being honest here people(6).
Anyways, being utterly bored, i clicked randomly on some links and came upon an article abt Segunda Etapa of Ichigo, which means 2nd Bankai or something. Well i had forecasted this since the begining.. Bleach will follow the same path as Dragon Ball.
Initially, Ichigo was a normal japanese emo boy, (in japan, its normal for emos to have orange pointy hair) like the pic above.

Then he got to transform into a shinigami(WOW!!! frowning emo boy with orange hair in a dress, that has got to be a fetish for an old pervert somewhere...), like this :

Refer to the size of the sword, it HAS to compensate for something because japanese guys are famous for their small..hmmm..swords?

Following some episodes, when he got a real beating by the other guys, he changed again when he unleashed his Bankai(a Bankai is like a once-in-a-lifetime hard-on. the kind where u can drill holes in concrete with or with which u can kill people. u wanna see my bankai?leave ur address somewhere, i'll contact u.)
His hard-on form(bankai) made him look like an emo with a suit and a gay sword.(u wanna see my gay sword?) Take a look :

Then came the episodes with the vizards, who r other emo guys that wear masks.Something had gone wrong with the make up. so Ichigo who again got a real beating, joined the new emo guys and turned himself into a gay emo guy with a bone skull and all the fans went WOOOOOOWWW!!!! for a week, there was a lack of tissue paper in japan, and all the guys became partially deaf. if u didn't understand this, go and ask ur mum the relation between tissue paper, turning deaf and emo boys.
This is our favourite emo vizards style :

Cool huh? I use the same color scheme in my appartment : Red White and Black. I should try some orange..

Now for the second bankai.. pics first :

Again very cool. we r heading towards group masturbation amongst bleach fans with this new form. I know one big guy who is going to group masturbate all by himself after seeing this pic. Anyway for you people to fully understand wat happens here, let me explain with something u may relate to.. image u get a real big hard on one day(bankai), and then BAM!!! u get a hard-on on ur hard-on, like a boner to the square and ur balls get covered in somekinda skull mask with spikes coming out. Thats the second form..

U wanna see my bankai?