Friday, July 10, 2009

Are all cars chick magnets?

OoooOOOoo NO! not all cars are chick magnets. Lets start with a classic chick magnet :
The bmw m3 :

All women independent of their sexual orientation will love it. fact. if you are a chick or you know a chick who doesn't like this, seek professional help. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder can be cured!

Another classic, the Mercedes. This one is a called Mercedes bullit edition. nice. When u ride this, chicks hurl themselves on the road.

what about chicks that own these cars? more on this in another post...

And now non chick magnet.Word of caution! i said NON Chick magnet. They remain magnets, but for a different species : men who want to impress other men. The particularities of these types of rides is that they all have some sort of bench on the boot. Normally this bench,or spoiler, was intedted for better aerodynamics. But then u have a car with 4 doors that open in 4 different ways, there is no need for better aerodynamics:

Orange and black Subaru impreza with flames on the sides and a big nose on the bonnet and blade thingies on the front and a bench at the back. what happens when u drive in a big pile of fresh dog shit with one of these??? all the shits gets splattered on your lovely flames!!!There is shit everywhere!!! even in your blade thingies at the front! AND IN YOUR NOSE!!!!

evidence number 4: Green honda Civic 4 doors that open in 4 different ways, classic bench on the boot, with a wide opening on the front to suck in more air(OR MOre SHIT WHEN U DRIVE OVER A BIG PILE OF FRESH DOG SHIT!!!!!) Because this car has such an "interesting" door concept, it remains most of the time on the parking lot with all the doors open. So the spoiler at the back is used as a bench where u can sit and gaze at you doors.