Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bing boobs

Microsoft let out their search engine to compete with google. My first test on it was to look for the words "big boobs" on their image search :D
Eureka! its like a huge TGP!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hot Winter nights with mutant mosquitoes

Ok 2 things : whats the matter with the winter?? we supposed to be freezing here. Its june. There are no winter sales on pull overs because its still too hot. Its like having a sale on icecream in the south pole. Or paying taxes everymonth and road tax every year and the roads still suck. Road tax should be used as an allocation to people who get their car damaged because of the road.more on taxes later. this winter sucks.its already dark @17:30 and its not even cold. the problem with bad weather is that you cannot blame it on the governement or the police..

2nd thing : whats the matter with the mosquitoes? 2 years back we got an outbreak of chickengunya(dont know how its spelled) thing that made mosquitoes really dangerous. So naturally, the government and the police decided to kill all the mosquitoes with some chemical thing. the aftermath? we got mosquitoes in winter now. its like they evolved in a winter-proof species. now you find them in the fridge sometimes. they say that these mosquitoes will outlive men. I heard that even if there is a nuclear bomb, and all men die,mosquitoes will still live. or i think it was cockroaches.